Thursday 18 March 2010

Another one gone

I love magazines. I KNOW that books are better value, and that they are more improving for me - and if I'm honest, our house is bursting at the seams with books of all descriptions - but still, after a long day at work, sometimes a magazine is what you want to read. You know that the article will be about a page long, and that you will be able to cope with it, despite what fiffle-faffle has gone on during the day.

I am particularly susceptible to needlework etc magazines, especially those which have a real variety of projects, pitched at different levels. I keep them by my bed and flick through them while I'm pretending that yes, I really can stay awake a little longer.

Classic Stitches was one of my favourites. I say 'was', because I had an email today to say that it will be no more after the next issue.

What next, I wonder??


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I love magazines, too. And I've never seen this one. Gotta make a trip to BAM! and find it.

Jennyff said...

Actually I don't love magazines and rarely buy them, I've even given up on the Rowan knitting magazine. However I do like reading them in the hairdressers and try to arrive early to get my money's worth.