Monday 12 October 2009

The gasman cometh..

Life chez Z&Z has been somewhat fraught this week. I came home from work last Tuesday to find this adorning my cooker:

Mr ZZ had noticed a funny smell in the kitchen, and had called out the emergency gasman, only for him to condemn our hob and cut off the gas supply to it. We thought we could manage for a while with just the oven, but by the weekend had succumbed and bought a little table top oven with 2 tiny electric rings. This will have to do us until funds permit the fitting of a new kitchen.

Jubilation at the new addition, and the possibility of having rice and pasta again, was somewhat tempered by the discovery that the boiler had also seized up: 'it's the PCB' I was informed somewhat loftily by Mr ZZ.
All I can say is thank goodness that we have plenty of half finished quilts to snuggle under, until the next gas man comes in a fortnight, hopefuly to get the boiler running again, so that we can have heating.

In the meantime this is what I've been doing:

This is half a top for a lap quilt: here's what it should look like, albeit in different colours, when completed:

I really regret choosing white for my background - cream would have been much better - the white just seems to 'kill' the colour.

And here's my bargain purchase from the Quilter's Guild Bring and Buy stall at the recent Regional Day:

It's a Thimbleberries BOM from c2003 - all 12 months, as well as borders and bindings. At present, the Thimbleberries BOM retail at about 15 pounds a month - I paid 50 for the whole lot (and had a free cloth bag thrown in!!), so I think that represents a bargain.

I put the first 2 blocks together on Saturday:

and by Sunday had completed another 2:

Apologies for the yellowish tinge - that's what happens when you take photos under artifical light in a room with no windows.....

1 comment:

Anne Ida said...

Oh boy, do I feel a rush of guilty concience now... *lol* I signed up for that Thimbleberries BOM in 2002; finished the first block, it turned out 1/2" too small, and I wasn't bothered to unsew, and I never got around to doing the rest of the blocks... It just takes up a lot of space in my WISPs cupboard, so I can figure why you got it for a bargain of 50 ;o) Perhaps seeing your blocks in progress can help me get going on mine? I still really like this quilt!

Your other project looks wonderful! Hopefully the white won't be as prominent as you fear at the moment once the quilt is quilted and washed. Best of luck and lots of fun finishing it!