Sunday 4 October 2009

Ferreting around

Where did last week go?? One minute it was Monday, all stretched out before me - and now it's Sunday morning, getting ready for Monday again??

I spent yesterday at a quilting workshop, but no pictures to show yet (hopefully, if I can get the chores out of the way this morning, I can get on with it this afternoon). Unusually, you have to pretty much make all the blocks before you can evern start to piece together (yes, I know that's probably what you're supposed to do anyway, but I like to get some of it together as soon as I can, as I find that it then encourages me to keep going with it).

So instead, let me show you what I did a couple of weeks ago. It's not quite finished - the plan had been to do it on Wednesday night this week, but the time just seems to flutter away. On the Sunday it was the Quilters Guild Regional Day - I love these days - I love talking to all sorts of people to whom you'd probably not usually speak, and seeing just what others are making. (I also picked up some real bargains at the bring and buy table - more on that later as well).

Ferret gave a talk in the afternoon. I've been a massive fan of Ferret for a couple of years now - I like the way in which she challenges what we'd expected to see in quilting, and I enjoy reading her blog.

And I was lucky enough to get a place on her workshop on the Sunday - and by the end of the day, this is what I'd created:

I found this incredibly hard at first - the idea of throwing neat piecing out of the window was very hard to get my head around, but once I got going, I really enjoyed it, which is one of the reasons that I want to get this finished and up on display in my house. It still needs to be quilted, and a border put on it.

This is what others ended up with:

Pretty impressive rose, huh??

I also have plans for a number of other projects along the same lines...

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