Tuesday 21 October 2008

Home again hurrah

I was going to post some lovely pictures of my very sunny school visit - but I appear to have left the camera somewhere.

I don't think it's lost - I think it may be in one of my many bags, which even now are littering the house. How can I have gone for only five days, two of which were spent on a coach, and still have bought more bags...let amone have filled them

I know I had it on the ferry - the crossing was due to take 1 1/4 hours, and actually took 2 1/2 instead, due to the waves being too wavy.

Oh well.

The weather in France was glorious, and the students were fabulously behaved. Sadly there was no opportunity for much fabric shopping - I briefly visited a small shop in Bayeux, but had only 5 minutes, and so bought some lovely French magazines to pore over instead.

Of course, having planned the itinary, we had to visit the Bayeux tapestry, which bizarrely isn't a tapestry at all, but instead a long piece of embroidered work on linen - it's about 70 metres long in total. You now see the tapestry fisrt of all, followed by the explanation, which to my mind is a little bit topsy turvy, but nonetheless, it seemed to be much enjoyed.

Having got back at midnight, and having had to go to work today, I've been in a very grumpy mood all day, which is a bit unfair, I suppose. There were over 300 emails waiting for me, and it took HOURS to get through them all.... I think the real issue though it that there is no time at all for sewing in the next three days - it's all hustle and bustle, meetings and deadlines.

I optimistically took some hand sewing with me for the journey - but spent most of it asleep. Why is the combination of coach and DVD so soporific?

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