Thursday 8 January 2009

First proper post of 2009

This is what I've started work on, using a Clothworks pattern. But my local quilt shop didn't have exactly the same fabric, so I'm having to adapt it a little in places.....

It's not really looking great - throwing bits of fabric onto the bed probably isn't the best way to photograph anything......

Over the weekend I hope to get the top pieced - 'all' LOL that I need to do now is to put some sashing strips in.

When my sister and family came to visit, we went out to the Peak District, about 20 minutes away, and had a fabulous walk on Curbar edge.

The pictures look impressive - but the rocks aren't really as high as you might think....

...though Jim makes it look very impressive....

1 comment:

Four Smiles said...

Great work on the quilt, can't wait to see the finished project! I love the photos of the walk you went on, very impressive. Enjoy you day!
Cheers Erica