Thursday 26 March 2009

Still no photos :-(

I spoke to the technicians at work today.

Apparently I just have too much stuff on the PC - I thought it was bit like a filing cabinet, and you could keep stuffing more and more things inside it, into a glorious higgledy-piggeldy pile, but it appears not. I've stuffed so much into it that the poor thing can't even work out what to do anymore.

They say that I need to buy a hard-drive thingy to plug into the UBS port, and that then everything will be lovely and calm again.

I also brought my camera into work, to see if I could upload pictures here - but left the manual at home.... Of course, if I'd only thought, I could have asked one of the students to sort it out for me.

I'm working late tonight (yes, I'm still at my desk, having got here at 7 am!), becaue for some unknown reason I offered to be the keyholder for the next visit to Boulogne.

Which departs tonight.

At midnight.

Yes. That's right. MIDNIGHT!!!!

So I'm staying here, getting everything ready for tomorrow, when I shall walk the corridors like some middleaged zombie after a late night tonight. All being well, the coaches will arrive and depart on time, and I'll be able to get to bed at about 12.45........

...... and I have to do the same thing tomorrow evening - what a way to spend Friday evening!!

Hopefully I will either have found the manual for my new camera, or will have been able to persuade a cheerful student that they really, really want to spend thier lunch hour looking at pictures of patchwork...

1 comment:

Secondhand Blessings said...

I just wanted to drop in and say Hello and thank you for visiting my blog.This is my first visit to your blog.
To free up some space on your computer have you thought about downloading your pictures on a free on-line website? One I've used in the past is:
Have a good weekend. (I'm sure you will with two long workdays in a row...)