Sunday 18 May 2008


It looked as though it was going to be a lovely day, and I suppose that it was, in that the rain stayed off, but it just never really got going.

We (Jim - dour Scottish husband) and I met up with friends to ride about on trams all day. I love going to Crich Tramway Museum - it always seems such a cheerful place to be. Okay, so it's not terribly slick or efficient, but you really do get the impression that the staff there enjoy their work (except for the lady in the sweet shop).

It's quite expensive to get in - but then again you can re-use the ticket for 12 months, so at present the master plan is that we meet up there regularly over the next few months, to ensure that we get value for money.

And really, is there anything more relaxing and de-stressing than spending time with friends, just pottering about, without the pressure to be seen doing/wearing/participating in the latest fad? I think not - though I do have to take a lot of abuse for my hobbies - seen as rather antiquated and out dated by most of my acquaintances....

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