Saturday 17 May 2008

Patchwork go-slow

I spent the day at Patchwork Direct, in Darley Dale, at a regular workshop - I go every month, and the idea is that you complete a sampler quilt, block by block, month by month - but needless to say, I veered off track about 8 months ago, having completed 4 blocks, and have been doing my own thing ever since.

So today I (ironically) completed another block for a different quilt (not the one I'm supposed to be doing). In fact, I completed two - hooray - as I've doing a full size quilt and an identical miniature one. only 7 blocks left to go.

The block in question is 'Wagon Wheel' and it's from the Underground Railroad quilt book, by Eleanor Burns.

I'm using quite traditional muted colours, but find more and more that although I like them, I just can't imagine a home for them anywhere in my house.

Still haven't managed to sort out the camera though, and tomorrow's plans for a shopping trip have been scuppered by an invitation to go to Crich tram museum. Hmm - shopping or seeing friends - not a difficult decision.

As I really want to be able to see what (if any) progress I've made each week, I do need to make this a priority for half term.

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