Thursday 15 May 2008

Day (or should that be evening?) One

So I finally did it. After days and days of faffing about, and dithering, I got round to setting this up.

And now I've started, my mind has gone blank.

All I know is that I wanted some way of making myself complete things that I've started - I have shelves, nay, cupboards full of halfstarted projects - and every time I look at them I feel guilty - until I start something else....

A couple of years ago I bought a lovely hardback book, full of smooth and shiny blank pages - and my plan was to keep a diary of what I'd done and made - but other events got in the way and I never wrote once in it, never mind sticking pictures in.

So we shall see. Perchance this wil go the same way - I hope not.

But what I DO need to do is to work out how the digital camera works - that would be a start, I guess.......

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