Friday 19 February 2010

Friday mublings

A couple of days ago I was looking at Susan's blog, and saw that she had arranged a date for Friday night, run by Heidi. I've also signed up - and committed myself to an evening of sewing!

I shall let you know how I got on.

I also picked up a copy of this magazine:

tempted by the cover photo.

Some very interesting articles inside,

All photos by Rachel Whiting for Homes and Antiques

as well as the instructions, by Kaffe Fassett on how to make a quilt.

As I love Kaffe Fassset fabrics, and like making geometric designs, I thought I'd have a go....

But 2 hours later, I still hadn't tracked down a third of the fabrics on the requirements list. I tried Doughty's (always good for a bargain), Cotton Patch, and even Glorious Color, which states boldly that it stocks every line of Kaffe Fassett fabric currently available!!

So Kaffe - you've either used something obsolate from your stash (understandable and commendable),or it's a new line,not yet available - but either which way, I can't reproduce your lovely quilt! What's more, it's from your new book - not yet available - so I hope that you've got everything else you need....

Of course, I could always substitute, and if I go ahead with this project, I will pretty much have to - but I DO feel a little aggrieved....

(Luckily I have more than enough WIPS to keep me fully occupied for the next six months or so....)

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Looking forward to seeing what you'll be working on tonight. I too like Kaffe Facett fabrics, but haven't worked with any yet.