Saturday 19 July 2008

Every cloud has a silver lining

So here's the thing.

When I fell on Sports Day ten days ago, I thought I'd be up and about very quickly.

Turns out I was wrong - a minimum of four weeks recovery time has been suggested, with the possibility of eight weeks.

And while I can drive, it's not comfortable, and anything beyond 20 minutes starts to get very painful.

We were supposed to be away this weekend, and had planned to go to Keswick in the Lake District - but faced with a three hour drive, I've had to cancel as I simply can't get there.

Needless to say there have been tears and tantrums, sobs and sulks over the whole thing.

But when I got home last night, Jim had taken it upon himself to bake a cake for me, which is pictured above. No big deal?? Wrong!! This is his first ever attempt, and it's the chocolate cake (of course) that I'd planned to make for the weekend. It's a chocolate orange cake, made with rather a lot of marmelade, and as it cooks, the top goes quite crisp and almost chewy as the sugar caramelises:

So while I face another day with my leg wrapped in ice and raised upon cushions, at least I can console myself with cake.....

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