Wednesday 16 July 2008

No work again - hurrah!!

Once again, a Wednesday with no work. Last week it was Sports Day (which I'm still feeling the effects of..) and today it was a training day for First Aid. It breaks up the week, although I do feel a tad guilty at being out and about instead of at a desk.

Stopped at the supermarket on the way home to pick up some ingredients for a cake bake tomorrow - I'm planning on making the chocolate orange cake from one of Nigella Lawson's books, as we're going away for the weekend and I want to take a present for my friend - I know he likes cake - and you can't go wrong with chocolate cake!!

This however isn't chocolate cake, although it does look like a yummy chocolate chip one. We bought it in France.........'s snail cake.

Yes, that's right. The little black bits are chopped up snail.

I didn't try it, as I'm a coward, but I gather it tasted like garlic bread....

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