Sunday 13 July 2008

Jelly Rolls

I love these.

I don't know what it is - the neat packaging - the idea that someone else has matched all the colours together - the fun of undoing the ribbon and havng endless lengths of colour.....

But I have now accumulated too many and so it's time to start cutting into them - not always the easiest task (but one I justify to myself by the thought that I can then go and look at some more....).

The ones in the picture are by Moda and are called "Hemming House'. I bought them not only because I love the soft colours, but because I wanted to make something for a friend whose married name is Hemming. A bit silly I know - as I'm sure that the name of collections of fabric is fairly random - but then again, it seemed as good a way as any other of choosing the right colours.

I found a pattern I liked as well, based on a sampler quilt, but I made the mistake of showing it to Jim, who immediately said how much he disliked it.....

I still can't sew with the machine, as I can't get about easily, so that buys me a little more time in which to plan what I'm going to do.

So what shall I do? Stick with what I feel, or spend more time (and possibly cash) looking for something better - which may or may not be out there???

Actually, what I really need to do is to stop asking for the opinions of others, and just have the courage of my own beliefs - if I hadn't asked, I would now be well on the way with the cutting of pieces.

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